This website may contain affiliate links. Please read full disclosure here What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions while simultaneously understanding the emotions displayed by others around you. An emotionally ...
M.D. vs. D.O.: Setting the Record Straight on the Misconceptions of Which is ‘Better’
This website may contain affiliate links. Please read full disclosure here What is the difference between M.D. vs. D.O. Asking as a patient vs. premed student An M.D. is a physician who holds a Doctor of Medicine degree. A D.O. is also a physician who obtained a degree as a Doctor of ...
Avoid These Common Mistakes to Prevent MCAT Prep Burnout
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read full disclosure here If you're a premed student preparing to take your medical college admissions test, otherwise known as the MCAT- then you've likely heard many premed students before you express that the MCAT burnout is real! This ...